Monday, April 19, 2010

Felco, for your pruning needs

Felco is probably one of the most recognizable brand of gardening tools. The signature red handles make their pruning tools easy to spot (for those of us who aren't color blind, anyway).
Felco tools are undeniably the tools of choice for horticulture enthusiasts. When Carl attended a meeting of the Master Gardeners Club, part of the Extension Service's ..., Felco was a visible presence. A Master Gardener is someone who is interested in learning about all types of horticulture, not just for their own benefit, but also to teach others. Master Gardeners are trained in things like plant pathology, pesticide use, fertilizers, organic gardening, and more.
Interested in being a Master Gardener? Check this out.

But which ones should you pick?

Perrenial (ha!) favorites are Felco #2 and #11. Part of their popularity lies in the fact that their slightly larger handles fit many sizes of hands. The former has a good sized jaw for medium limbs.Felco #6 is a close runner up. It has slightly smaller handles than the other two. It is lighter and a little more compact. All three of these have thin hooked blades that are good for precision work.

Other really popular models are the #9 and #10.They notable because it's for south-paws (lefties, those who are left-handed). Plus #10 has some very cool rotating handles.My favorite is probably the #8, though. It's a good size for me.

Another tool I would like you to direct your attention to is the #F600. It is a high performance pull-stroke pruning saw that is perfect for producing a clean, precise and easy cut. The steel blade is heat treated and covered with hard chromium-plating for an extra tough, rust resistant, wipe-clean blade. The ergonomic handle is made of non-slip comfort material, and the saw has an excellent locking system. One major bonus that you don't see as much with the folding saws is that the blade is replaceable (and we, of course, carry the replacements).
Blah blah blah... it has a cool handle and a blade, but you want to know what makes this so awesome? Ice storms.  I don't know if you have those where you live, dear reader, but I have to say that this folding saw is a lifesaver when we have ice storms and limbs are falling off trees all over the place. This is an item that we don't just sell, we use it, too. One friend of the family has a bit of land around her house (and an awesome vegetable garden) which meant lots of downed limbs for her to deal with. She and her sister, both in their 60's, took this saw and dealt with an awesome pile of branches in just one day.