I'll be keeping an eye out for things that other people recommend and suggesting other things. My first suggestion is one that I will always always always have: The Kentucky Spring salad tongs.
Kentucky Spring salad tongs were recently spotted in the June 2008 issue of Gourmet magazine. They would have been spotted sooner, but that issue was hiding from me for a couple of months.
You might remember me raving about them last year, when they were written up in The Best of Everything column in the (Louisville) Courier-Journal. I got a pair for Christmas and I use them all the time. Simple design, but very effective (except with some cherry tomatoes, but who likes those anyway. bleah).
They're inexpensive, which makes them good for gift-givers on a budget who still want to give quality gifts. They flip open and closed, which helps save valuable drawer space. They're more stylish than metal cafeteria tongs, and just as easy to keep clean. They're handmade locally, making them good gifts for out-of-town relatives.
Speaking of gifts and the holiday season, it's time to start thinking about Turkey Day. If you don't have a good knife, it's time to start thinking about getting one. If you already have one, you might want to consider whether it needs sharpening. If you're bringing it to US to get sharpened, please do so ASAP. It's a very busy time of year for us, and we don't want to get too much of a sharpening backlog or someone might not get their knife back in time.
And on that note, here's a scene from West Wing, Season 2, episode 8.
For those who aren't wing-nuts, this is the episode where the President is having his intern, Charlie, run all over trying to find a good carving knife. At first he starts out looking for a good american made knife, but he ends up going with the best: a good german knife. I believe it was actually a Wustof knife, but I can't find the clip.