We're starting the process to redesign our website. Any suggestions? Recommendations? You can either comment or send an email us directly. We really are interested in any feedback you have, so please let us know if there's anything you either really hate/love and if there's anything in particular that you'd like to see.
Here's the first website, here's the current one.
That's the really big news for you internet people, but there are a few things coming up that might be of interest to people who live around here.
March 10th, Carl will be at the Taste of Home Cooking School's Spring Sensations at the Kentucky International Convention Center. Unfortunately they say it's sold out, but if you're already going, drop in and say hi!
On April 11th, we'll be at the Huntin the Beast Outdoor Expo at the Meade County Fairgrounds, in Brandenburg, KY. There will be seminars on all sorts of things: fishing, introducing kids to hunting, gear and preparation, and bowfishing (which can't be shooting fish with arrows, can it?). There will be a big deer contest and a turkey calling contest, you'll have to check out their website for the complete information about prizes and the rest of this. Anyway, Heimerdinger Cutlery will be there as an exhibitor. Admission is only $8.00, so you don't have any excuse for not showing up if you're nearby.
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